Answer provided 7/28/2004 9:05:17 AM
Can ORANGE ZEST be frozen and still retain its usefullness in recipes when
needed?...Thank you.
Yes, it can be frozen. Spread it out on a cookie sheet (I would first line the sheet with plastic film), freeze and then place in freezer bag(s).
Do vegetables need to be blanched before freezing?
Can I get away with not blanching vegetables?
How many apples do I need to make sixteen quarts?
How many apples does it take to make two cups?
How do I keep my cheese mold free?
How do I keep cheese from molding?
What is the best way to freeze stock?
How long can I keep butter frozen?
What is the best method to preserve the flavor of apple cider?
When should I eat my pickled foods?
Can I use cider vinegar in my pickled fruit recipes?
What is the safest way to thaw my meat?
Can I use a salt substitute for making sauerkraut?
Can I use a salt substitute for canning pickles?
How do I get the skins off the tomatoes?
How do I safely handle hot peppers?
What type of water should I use in pickling?
How long should I dry my foods?
What can I do with left over pickle brine?
Can I use leftover pickle juice?
Can I use dried strawberries for pies?
What can I use dried strawberries for?
Can dried strawberries be used for pies?
Is it necessary to sterilize my jars?
How do I thaw out eggs safely?
What is an easy way to freeze berries?
Can I change the amount of vinegar when pickling foods?
How can I keep celery fresh in the refrigerator?
How can I keep my pickles from losing their color?
How do I dry heat pasteurize my dry products?
What vinegar is best to use in my pickles?
How does cider vinegar taste in pickles?
What is apple cider made from?
How do I get the air bubbles out of my jars when canning?
How many tomatoes are in a bushel?
How many tomatoes do I need for eighteen quarts?
Is lavendar oil good for pepper burns?
Can I store onions in plastic bags?
How do I relieve the pain from a pepper burn?
How can I tell when something was canned?
Which kind of vinegar is best for pickling - cider vinegar or white vi
How can I ripen bananas faster?
What is the simplest way to know how much food to store?
How do I stack home-canned foods?
Can I store all my cookies together?
How can I store green tomatoes?
How many tomatoes do I need for seven quarts of tomato juice?
How do I know when cabbage is dry?
How do I know when my herbs are dry?
Is it safe to can without sugar?
What do I do first with my water bath canner?
Why should I put labels on my frozen foods?
Can I use masking tape for labeling my freezer foods?
How can I make quick winter time jellies?
How much rhubarb will I need for seven quarts?
Can vinegar be diluted safely?
What can I do use as a hair rinse?
Should I use a water bath for canning my tomatoes?
Should I use a pressure canner for canning my tomatoes?
What type jar lids should I use?
What can I use if I don’t have a regular canner?
Can I process meat in a boiling water bath?
Which vegetables expand during processing?
What do I do with canned foods?
How do I know when my meat is dry enough?
What can I do with all the extra eggs that I have?
Can I use apples and pears when making fruit roll ups?
How can I know when my vegetables are dry enough?
Can I change the amount of vinegar when pickling foods?
If my lids did not seal, can I safely re-can my food?
How do I know when my vegetables are dry enough?
What causes corn to turn brown during processing?
What should I use if I don’t have a wire rack?
Where can I find large bags of rice?
What results will I get by using white vinegar in my pickle recipes?
What can I use bent rings for?
Does temperature make my corn turn brown?
How can I make my refrigerated produce last longer?
What will make my lettuce last longer?
How do I freeze pre-soaked beans?
What basic utensils will I need to start canning?
Why do some pickle recipes call for lime?
What is the cost of preserving foods at home?
Where can I get low cost equipment for home canning?
What is the initial cost of food preservation?
How do I make Hot Tomato Broth?
Can I still eat my pickled onions if they have yellow spots?
What causes yellow spots on my pickled onions?
Why should I preserve foods at home?
What benefits do I get out of storing and preserving foods?
Can I use homemade vinegar for pickling?
What causes mold to form in my preserves?
How do I keep my cucumbers from going soft when canned?
Can I use artificial sweeteners in place of sugar?
Are artificial sweeteners safe to use?
Why has my pickled garlic turned blue?
Can I use white vinegar for canning?
If my garlic turned blue, is it still safe to eat?
What can I do with frozen cheese?
How do I freeze baked potatoes?
Do dairy products freeze well?
What is an easy way to make apple butter?
Can I invert my jelly jars to seal?
Can I dilute the vinegar that I can with?
Is there any way to keep bananas from going bad?
How can I keep a head of romaine fresh and crisp longer?
What is the best produce to buy?
How can I keep fruit from browning?
how long can bananas be kept in freezer before going bad>
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what does blanche mean when referring to freezing vegetables?
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Can I freeze a fruit pie that has been baked?
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Is there a substitute for pickling lime? I cannot find it in our local stores. Thanks.
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how many quarts will I yeild from a bushell of 3-4 inch pickling cucumbers.
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I want to freeze green beans, how long does blancing take? Do i leave the beans in for one minute? more? less?
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Would it be possible tolet me have the procedure for blacnhing runner beans, I would be most grateful to hear fom you.
John Morgan
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What do I do with al this zucinni? My garden is overflowing with hugh zucinni. Does it freeze well?
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how do i freeze fresh corn
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Can you give me canning techniques for sugar free food preservation?
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Can ORANGE ZEST be frozen and still retain its usefullness in recipes when
needed?...Thank you.
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How long can I freeze steaks?
Thanks for your help. Patty
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I can`t seem to find pickling lime in the store; is there a specialty store that carries it. Also, if I can`t get there a substitute product that will work as well?
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can you can green beans in a bath wash? I do not have a pressure canner. If so how long should they boil for quart jars?
Thank you!!!
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When are bananas too ripe to use in recipes? I had some that I tossed because they had a small amount of mold on the skin. The skins and ends were intact. Could I have safely used them for banana bread?
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How long can I keep butter
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How or can homemade baked beans be frozen??
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is tomato a fruit or vegetable
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This is not a question but a comment on one of your answers. You say that cheese after being frozen does not slice well, but becomes crumbly. My partner and I have been freezing cheese for years (all kinds -- cheddar, colby, mozarella, American, etc.) in block and shredded forms, and have never had any problem with a change in consistency or slicing. And it doesn`t matter if we thaw the cheese in the refrigerator or at room temperature.
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I need a crisp dill okra recipe
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what is a standard pickle brine recipe? (salt vinegar salt ratios only)and, can I use this if I just want to stick them in the fridge untill they are ready?
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I am going to can some green beans but I cannot find any instructions on doing this using a water bath canner as my mother did for many years. Can you help me? I know how to prepare the beans and jars, but how long do I cook them?
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can pickling lime be used on vegetables other than cucumbers?
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I cannot find pickling lime and need to know if there is a substitute I can use. I found something called pickle crisp, but the directions were not seem similar to pickling lime. Thanks.
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the additive called "alum", where can it be found?
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i want to freeze raw sliced potatoes, how can i do that
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How do I keep the peppers I pick from going bad while I am waiting for the other peppers to ripen to make a sauce?
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How do I keep garlic WHITE when it is pickled?
Thanks Gail
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Can you substitute hydrated garden lime for pickling lime?
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Is pickling lime & hydrated lime the same thing?
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My daughter and I are having a disagreement about how to store butter. Does butter have to be refrigerated?
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how long should you keep the bands for canning, and what happens if the bands are rusty.thankyou.loretta
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could you please tell me how bad is it to take frozen meat and putting it into hot water from the sink to thaw my daughter dose this but I will not eat it.
I do no she has problems with her stomach .
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How do you can/mason jar dry foods such as our dried fruits and spices? We wish to put them in Mason jars as we do our vegtables and maintain a vaccuum seal for storage. Is this process any different due to the fact these are light, dry items? Please advise.
Thank you.
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I would like to be able to have sweet corn on the cob all year round. How would you suggest i store it?
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